The green band is for those who have not played in a band before or those who want to learn to play a new instrument. No musical experience is needed to join the Green Band.
No previous experience necessary
If you don't know how to play an instrument - we will teach you.
If you don't know how to read music - we will teach you.
If you don't even know how to count or keep a beat - yes, we will teach you.
If you need help choosing an instrument, we will help you
Our motto is "Your best is good enough....and your best keeps getting better."
Green Band also welcomes people who have played before and want to refresh their skills and players who know an instrument and want to learn another.
Our patient and enthusiastic conductor Mark Hiscox will guide you - it is a blast. He is assisted by a bunch of great instrumental coaches, who help you to learn your chosen instrument.
Click here to see youtube video of Green Band
Green Band rehearsal with Mark Hiscox, conductor extraordinaire!
Believe it or not, you will be ready to perform your first concert by Christmas, and you will be amazed at how good your band sounds by then.
Instruments available are trumpet, french horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, bass clarinent, alto sax, tenor sax, and percussion. Everyone, even you, can learn and experience the joy, sense of achievement and pride of how to read music, how to play an instrument and the fun of playing together with other musicians in a full band.
A new Green Band starts each September.
An information day for new members will be held in June. Check out home page on this website for dates.
Peterborough New Horizons presents an Information Day
Have you ever wanted to play a wind or percussion instrument in a Band ? New Horizons offers adults a chance to do that in a group setting - no previous experience necessary.
At the presentation you can learn about the instruments and hear them played .
Find out about joining the new Green Band in September
You can meet the conductor of the Green Band: Mark Hiscox as well as ask questions of band members and coaches.
Harlene Annett, Renee Paul, Norma White Each were asked these questions.
Renee Paul
I knew a couple who were enjoying playing in the band. I play euphonium, electric bass and mallet percussion. I play a different instrument in two bands. I have been concert manager and I like to help file music and prepare music for the conductors. I enjoyed being on the social committee, too. It makes my day to attend a practice.
Norma White
Heard about PNHB from Wendy Robinson, whom I met at aqua fitness lasses at the Wellness Centre.
Trained in Classical Guitar, I have found more enjoyment playing with groups in Peterborough including Lang Musicians Club, Celtic Group (PNHB), English Country Dance Band, Mandolin Society of Peterborough. I now play guitar with Fyd-L-Styx, Bells in PNHB, recorder with the Hollow Woods Recorder Consort and piano at home.
I joined PNHB likely in 2012 and play percussion: started with snare drum, standalone bass, cymbals and hand instruments and gravitated to mostly mallet percussion. I played with Music Lab from 2014 to 2022, and the Celtic Group from 2015 to 2018.
In Dec 2016, I was honoured to be chosen to develop a new “modern” website for PNHB. With much support from the Board and others, I developed the current PNHB website using the content from the former outdated site( Dave Madill in PNHB around 2002). The development took place from Dec 2016 to 2018: I maintained and expanded the site until 2020 when James Burrett took over and extended the site.
With Renee Paul, I was joint Concert Manager from Oct 2018 (??? please check BOD minutes and/or concert programs to verify date, Al Brunger might know) to 2024, including preparing for concerts that did not happen during Covid. We enjoyed working with many helpful volunteers to bring the concerts together.
Harlene Annett
My daughter told me there was a new band forming for "old people" over 50 and I might like to join. I joined on day 1 of PNHB back in 2002.
I started on flute in March 2002 and never got a note out of it. Later that Fall I switched to clarinet and learned the first 5 notes in half an hour. The rest is history. I've played in the beginner band in 2002 and moved on it with the higher level bands as they were added. I was one of the first members of The Dynamics and still play with them.
Early on we were asked if someone would take over being treasurer for the band. I had done some of that with other groups so volunteered to do it There were only 52 members to collect from so it was easy. Over the years membership expanded to around 200 and another person did the computer side of the finances. Then band reps were added to help collect. Now many members pay by e-transfer and there are 5 ensembles to collect from. After 22 years I decided it was time to retire from the job.
I've also enjoyed helping to get ads for the concert programs and collect fees for them.
I have been the contact person for the bands for a number of years and I have thoroughly enjoyed talking to many prospective members about joining. I've been to band camps about 15 times and enjoyed every one of them.
Band is addictive. Where else can I go and be entertained by live music 3 times/week and forget about any aches/pains and worries I have? I have over 100 new friends and we are friends outside of band. We help each other if needed. In the early years of band my mom passed away and I was delighted a number of band buddies drove out to Havelock in the winter for the visitation.
Interview with Hedy Shirchenko and Liz Bay, both in the 2017-18 Green Band.
I'm a complete beginner to music and often thought that I'd learn to play an instrument. After retiring in June and attending the PNHB Information Day I was encouraged to give my longtime ambition to play the flute a try. I'm still very much a beginner and expect to be for some time, but the Green Band members have been incredible and encouraging. Slowly but surely I'm improving with help from Christine, our very patient and talented flute sectional teacher. Mark Hiscox, our very witty and knowledgeable bandleader, makes band practice great fun.
Eileen Nolan - Green band 2015-16
I started on percussion this season in Green Band, and the learning curve is very challenging as I am focusing on vibes and bells (mallet percussion). But it is exhilarating to experience the integration of these instruments into band music. And, it is so social and fun!
Tom Bell - Green Band 2016-17
Jim and I have felt totally welcome in the Green band. These are our first instruments and we're thoroughly enjoying the experience. Even the members in the other band levels have been encouraging. We love the leadership and camaraderie. And, our bandleaders are so patient!
Jim and Vedra Hill - Green Band 2016-17
I was thrilled to see the ad in the paper inviting people to an information session to join PNHB with a mention that no musical experience was required! That was me! My husband and I joined Green Band. We are learning to play an instrument and to read music under the guidance of skilled coaches who have a wonderful sense of humour. We have reunited with some old friends, met new friends and have enjoyed some fun/yummy potlucks.
Mary Chesher - Green Band 2016-17